In January, she traveled to China to perform and set a record for limboing the farthest distance. She was 12-inches off the ground and she had to stay in that position and limbo under multiple bars.

It was one of the most difficult challenges.  While in China the stage was prepared and it was a leather floor. “My shoes are leather so I couldn't limbo on the leather floor, so they provided this wooden platform that was extremely slippery,” said Shemika, but she managed to set the record on her first try.

Training for the latest record setting performance was tough. Bob Diaz, her uncle and trainer told her “nobody has ever done that before one guy tried it and when he went halfway he fell.”


Shemika's is 23-years-old now, but her journey began when she was just 17.  In 2010, she set the record for lowest limbo by a female. She performed the limbo under a bar that was just 8.5 inches off the ground.

She has also done the limbo under a vehicle. She said the ground was hot and so was the car and it had her saying to herself, “if I'm not able to move, I'm thinking how was I going to get up, you can't drive over me because obviously you'll run me over.”

Shemika says she wants to limbo all over the world. Her future goals include doing the limbo under two vehicles and underwater. “My goal is really to bring limbo to mainstream entertainment, as of right now people see limbo as on the beach, kidding around, a fun activity.  I really want to show the world that it's an art.”

For now the limbo queen who has had a stint with modeling is pleased to represent Buffalo and Trinidad and Tobago. “Being from Trinidad which is where limbo originated, it is very important to me to share this culture.

USA Records Organization_USKINGS are still collecting more information from many sources and it is our pleasure listening to everybody's comments to have a full evaluation of the USA Record story:U.S. 'Limbo Queen' shows everyone how to get down and breaks world record

According to news12