The shopping festival of eyelash products is being held at Linh’s eyelash with attractive promotions on the occasion of introducing orchid eyelash technique on 1 & 2 June.

A set of three set of eyelash boxes that set a record include:

+ Two Meca frame eyelashes with size x width x thickness is 105cm x 50cm x 16cm in order. Two boxes contain 32 rows of eyelashes (20 rows of 1 + 12 rows of boxes 2). Each line of synthetic fiber lashes is 40cm long using the Orchid technique.

+ A box of clear bristles with Foam frame covered with paper with dimensions x width x thickness is 110cm x 56cm x 19cm. The box contains 16 fake lashes. Each lashes 40cm long by the technique Orchid technique

Linh's eyelash has been operating since 2016 with 16 years of experience from young eyelash expert, brand founder Luong Thi Thuy Linh (1986), in the Mesci group.

Three large size eyelash boxes using the orchid eyelash technique for the first time in Vietnam were launched and set a national record on the launch of the orchid eyelash technique.

According to VietKings (