Key West is a very unique island in the middle of the ocean. It has crystal clear and shallow waters that are every kayaker’s dream. At night, without a glare from the sun, with the use of artificial, battery-powered light – you will get an unforgettable experience that will make you feel like you’re kayaking in a very large aquarium. 

Going on the water in the kayak at night, under the stars is an amazing experience on its own – seeing some really cool nocturnal marine life and being educated about it – is a really nice bonus!

Get a single or double glass-bottom kayak illuminated with lights and follow our tour guide on this one-of-a-kind, unforgettable and simply magical adventure.

This slow-paced, immersive, and very relaxing experience will allow you to see some cool, active at-night marine life as you are gliding through crystal clear waters of Key West.

Guests will experience going through narrow mangrove tunnels at night, floating around shallow and calm waters as the tour guide will look for interesting critters for everyone to see.

According to Source of photos: internet