RoboFab will be the world’s first factory for humanoid robots, capable of churning out 10,000 robots a year. The factory will use advanced automation and assembly techniques to produce Digit, the flagship product of Agility Robotics.

Digit is a humanoid robot that can perform various tasks, such as carrying boxes, opening doors, and climbing stairs. Digit is not just a machine but, as the company claims, a robotic co-worker that can collaborate with humans and adapt to different situations.

According to the CEO of Agility Robotics, Digit will solve difficult problems in today’s workforce, such as injuries, burnout, high turnover, and unfillable labor gaps. Digit will also have applications in various industries, such as logistics, construction, entertainment, and healthcare.

If you are interested in getting your own Digit robot, you will have to wait until 2025. That’s when Agility Robotics plans to launch Digit to the general public.

However, if you are part of the Agility Partner Program, you can expect your Digit robot in 2024. The Agility Partner Program is a select group of customers that will receive early access to Digit and provide feedback to the company.

Some people are really nervous about these humanoid robots, and for good reason. There is a lot to take into account, including ethical issues and potential safety risks. 

Many individuals may feel uncomfortable or deceived by humanoid robots that mimic human emotions and intelligence. Others might be worried about them taking their jobs. 

Consequently, we should approach the use of humanoid robots with caution, acknowledging their capacities while being aware of their limitations.

According to