Spring is a great time to visit the farm! Chicks and ducklings are hatching and are an amazing experience for all age groups to hold. Baby pigs, lambs, goat kids, and calves are playing around the farm.  With so many baby animals, you may get a chance to bottle-feed and pet them.  With spring crops planted, you will get to experience a wagon-ride to see what is growing in the fields. 

Summer is time for harvesting alfalfa, which goes to making our cows their delicious food. While on a wagon ride you will get the opportunity to learn about the crops that feed cattle and what diet it takes to keep herd happy and healthy.  The baby animals from Spring are growing up and can be pet and hand-fed. The farm’s turkeys, ducks, and geese love to wander around the farm, looking for puddles to play in and hidden snacks in the grass.  The flowers in gardens attract butterflies and hummingbirds.

Fall is when the farm other crops are drying out and ready to harvest. This is a perfect time to come and get a free pumpkin with admission, along with a wagon ride to and from the patch.

While on a farm tour plan on hand milking a cow, petting and feeding many farm animals and an antique driven hayride* to the fields to see corn, soybeans, wheat and alfalfa. Learn what happens to these crops and how they are involved in your life!

The Farm Tours spotlight the Holstein cows, but there are so many other farm animals to see and learn about too. While visiting the farm animals in the barnyard, you will learn about each type of species and also, food production, the progress of farming over time, and farm life.

According to  dairyfarmtours.com. Source of photos: internet