A man hailing from Wisconsin, US, has recently entered the World Record for consuming the highest number of Big Macs ever. This extraordinary journey of Donald Gorske began on May 17, 1972, and for the past five decades, the 70-year-old has adhered to the daily ritual of savouring at least one McDonald’s Big Mac.

Gorske expressed, “I always knew I wanted to indulge in my favorite food, the hamburger, every single day. And when it comes to hamburgers, the Big Mac is the pinnacle of perfection. That’s why I chose to consume it daily. The reason I have persisted in this pursuit for so many years is that Big Macs continue to be my absolute favorite, and I eagerly anticipate enjoying them each day.”

Gorske also said, “Yes, perhaps when I’m on my deathbed, and my son brings me a Big Mac as a final treat.”

In 2018, Gorske achieved the milestone of devouring his 30,000th Big Mac. This record was further updated in 2021 when he surpassed the 32,000 mark. As of January 2023, Gorske’s Big Mac consumption has reached an astounding total of 33,400.

According to hindustantimes.com. Source of photo: internet